Here are the various types of posts you can create. Get the most out of GoWild by telling your whole outdoors story.
The types of posts in GoWild
A basic post is what you are likely to use most frequently on GoWild. You can add images and a single video.
Recipe posts are a great way to show how you enjoy preparing your wild game. These also pin to a dedicated section of your profile.
A trophy post will capture all of the pertinent details about your harvest. It will be pinned on your profile so you can quickly find it.
You will need to supply as many details as you can so that the GoWild score for your trophy can reflect the hard work you put in.
If you are posting about an outdoors activity, you should log the amount of time you spent doing it, which adds to the score on your profile.
Time logs can be added to any post, including trophies.
How to log time
Telling the whole story
We created these different types of posts so that outdoor enthusiasts can share the entirety of their pursuits.
It’s 2 months leading up to deer season. You are busy setting up food plots, checking trail cameras - all the usual stuff. Create a basic post and share a photo of activity at the plot - but be sure to log time on that post (that activity would be Hunt Preparation).
Then maybe you are out scouting from your stand one morning trying to get a feel for deer movement in the area. You could post a photo from your stand of that buck - and log time for Scouting.
Deer season rolls around but you don’t get a good shot on opening day. Create a post and tell the community what that was like. Log that time as Deer Hunting.
On closing day, you finally get that shot on Mr. Tall Tines and snap a respectful picture with you and your harvest. That would be your Trophy post as mentioned above.
And finally, when you are sharing that harvested buck with family and friends, share the Recipe on GoWild so others can appreciate the culmination of your harvest when they prepare their wild game.
©2020 GoWild Alpha, Inc.
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